I’m excited to present my contribution of auxiliary maps, artwork (including NPC artwork and tokens), shop cards, and point-of-interest cards for Storm Lord’s Wrath. For those unfamiliar, D&D Beyond released a trilogy of adventures meant to be run Dragon of Icespire Peak, dubbed “Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak”. This is a resource pack for the first adventure in the trilogy: Storm Lord’s Wrath. Storm Lord’s Wrath is a deceptively large adventure with quite a few encounters – and each could use its own map. Well, I’m here to help! As usual, this post is full of spoilers. Do not proceed if you are planning to be a player in this adventure!
Beyond Dragon of Icespire Peak Resource Packs
This is definitely my largest D&D post yet with 17 maps, over 20 monster/creature image and token sets, over 20 NPC image and token sets, 7 new point-of-interest cards (and some customization for existing Phandalin ones), and a handful of other fun pieces of artwork.
As to not bury the leads – here are links to all of the available downloads.
Maps with Grids (30 MB)
Maps without Grids (28 MB)
EncounterPlus Maps (49 MB)
Shop and POI Cards (15 MB)
Monster/Creature Images & Tokens (32 MB)
NPC Images & Tokens (14 MB)
Other Artwork (36 MB)
Storm’s Moving In

This is a simple roadside battle map with the environment as I envisioned it from the description.
Something Fishy In Town

This is the largest battle map of this adventure, and it takes place in Leilon. The players are asked to start far away from a summoning ritual. This allows rounds to be consumed as the ritual completes. I tried my best to be faithful to the main Leilon map’s layout when creating this map, and I’m pleased with the results.
Marsh, Unmellow

This is another larger battle map with some exciting elevation changes out of the swamp. That said, the monsters on this map are mostly water-bound, and as such, the majority of the encounter is likely to take place in the lower third of this map. However, Idol Island is an interesting place, so there may be other opportunity to visit this map!
Mere of Dead Men

For the players, the Mere of Dead Men can be a real trudge. Depending on how they roll, they could face quite a few encounters in the swamp. I’m really surprised this adventure didn’t come with at least one generic map to handle all of these encounters! I’ve created a special version of the swamp map for each of the encounters that they may face!
Goat Check & Hungry Ogres

As one might expect, the players’ journey to Phandalin doesn’t go as smoothly as hoped. I’ve added a couple of maps for the Goat Check and Hungry Ogres encounters that the players may experience on their trip. The Goat Check map, while simple, is very large so you can have goats go running in every-which direction.
Foul Weather at Wayside

As the players journey back to the Wayside Inn, the weather turns foul. This is a simple roadside map with the rain effect for the type of encounters the players will experience as they approach the Wayside Inn again.
Travel to the Thunder Cliffs

The journey moves to the seas as the players head toward the Thunder Cliffs. I’ve created a number of maps for the multi-level ship that the players use for their journey (these maps can serve as either the Dancing Delight or Ice Floe). In addition, there is a rowboat map for the players final approach to the Thunder Cliffs and the interesting encounters there!
Bonus: Visit to the Plane of Water

This is a very simple map in case a player or party are teleported to the Plane of Water when they stumble into the “blow hole” in the Thunder Cliffs. A benevolent DM may even give them a way to get back!
Maps with Grids (30 MB)
Maps without Grids (28 MB)
EncounterPlus Maps (49 MB)
Shop & Point of Interest Cards

For Storm Lord’s Wrath, I did cards for a few encounters and points of interest in addition to just shops. I think there were a few unique and fun opportunities where it made sense to throw up a card to help the players visualize the NPCs and environments.

As this adventure also sees a return to Phandalin, I’ve updated some of the Phandalin cards to be in line with the context of this adventure.
Monster & Creature Artwork/Tokens
Like any good adventure, Storm Lord’s Wrath has a variety of interesting monsters and creatures! However, I was sad to discover that some of my favorites don’t already have corresponding artwork. Here’s a few of my favorites and the artwork I created for them.

I also created artwork for a number of the more mundane creatures that were missing artwork. If you need some artwork for snakes, pirates, cultists of Talos, etc., here you go!
And, of course, we have tokens created for all of the monster artwork.

Monster/Creature Images & Tokens (32 MB)
NPC Artwork/Tokens
Storm Lord’s Wrath has a pretty sizable cast of NPCs. Here’s artwork and tokens for like all of them.

Other Artwork
Finally, to go along with the adventure, I felt inspired with a few scenes to add a few bits of extra artwork!

Thank You!
Have questions or requests? Please feel free to leave a comment below, contact me. Join me on my Discord Server to get an early peak at stuff I’m working on!
I’ve had a number of people reach out to me and ask how they can pay or donate money for my work. Simply knowing others are getting enjoyment out of these creations is absolutely reward enough for me. However, if you feel you absolutely must give me something – I have created a Ko-Fi link so that you may buy me a cup of coffee. Thank you so much!
Fan Content
The Storm Lord’s Wrath Resources are unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for all the work. Do you have a patreon? I would totally love to support you on there if you do.
Looks really high quality.
Probably gonna use some of it in the future.
As I will start the Essentials Campaign in like September.
Impressive work! Big thanks for this high quality content! Do you plan to do the same for the two other modules of the trilogy (Sleeping Dragon’s Wake & Divine Contention)?
This is spectacularly helpful and your artwork is quite beautiful – where do I donate?! 😀
This is incredible work. Really filled in the gaps in our campaign. Any chance you’re doing something similar for Sleeping Dragon’s Wake or Divine Contention? I’d pay for it!
I wanted to echo the other two comments. This is brilliant work and super helpful. The only thing I’m missing is a handout for the Cult of Talos Map found in the basement of the Wayside Inn (with and without the glasses to reveal the location of the Thunder Cliffs (and other planned cult sites.
I’m wrapping up Storm Lord’s Wrath and JUST NOW discovered this! I wish I’d found it sooner but you’ve done an amazing job, and at least the final adventure to Thunder Cliffs will have your wonderful artwork. As others have said, where do I donate? And… dare I ask… are you doing Sleeping Dragon’s Wake? I sure hope do!! Thank you thank you thank you 🙂
Wow, great work! Any chance of getting the Affinity files for Storm Lords Wrath stuff?
Working on it!
Which stuff would you like Affinity files for? I can provide for some things (shop cards), but not for the maps due to licensing restrictions on some of the assets I use.
Love the work you have done here Jacob. I was looking for some resources for tThe House of Thalivar and what you have created was a big help last Sunday and I can use a lot of what you have done. As other’s have said, is there any way we can support you?
This is amazing! Thank you for sharing. I’m just about to run the foul weather at wayside and stumbled across your page.
If you can add a donation option to the blog I’d love to support the work you’ve done.
Thank you so much for this high quality content! We just finished this one yesterday, and your artwork has been an instrumental part in every session. I really do not have the words to express sufficient gratitude to you for all you’ve given here.
We will also be doing the next adventure, Sleeping Dragon’s Wake, and I am really, really, really hoping you are planning to create something for that one as well. We won’t start it until New Year’s Eve (it’s become tradition to start my campaigns then), so I’ll just sit here with my fingers crossed and check back in frequently.
And yeah, you need a way for people to donate something to you, because this is awesomeness from start to finish!
@Cecilie: Thanks – I’m thrilled to get comments that show these have been useful to people! I’ve been toiling away at Sleeping Dragon’s Wake the last few weekends. I anticipate I’ll have it done well in time for your start of the adventure.
Just finishing up Storm lords wrath and i find this!! this is great and i would have loved to know this existed before. Again this is really great work. It really helps a noob DM like myself to make things easier and feel more alive to the players. Any chance you will be doing this for the other continuation adventures? or any other 5e adventures in general? 🙂
@Bjørn: Yep – will be continuing both the “Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak” trilogy as well as doing some other adventures and some other really cool stuff. Stay tuned!
That sounds really awesome!! 🙂 I will keep checking your page. any inital thoughts on when the first material will be done? 😉
@Bjørn: Optimistically – end of this month or early next month.
Just want to say thankyou! These maps are excellent and saved me a ton of time running this game casually with a group! So many areas were missing on the Roll20 campaign I bought, and these assets allowed me to run the game alot more easily! Great stuff!
This is brilliant, especially the POI cards! Looking forward to Sleeping Dragon’s Wake
Thank you for your great work!
I’ve been using your work to enhance my campaign a lot. The characters are colourful and the additional maps a perfect addition (I would almost say a must have!) for Storm Lords Wrath.
Your work came at a perfect time for me, as I began the new starter campaign with a playgroup on Roll20 around the time you released this, and thus could prepare the adventures around Laylon with your wonderful additions! It really enhanced the experience for me and my players.
Thanks a lot for your work!
I found your blog after seeing your reddit post about the release of your DM’s Guide to Neverwinter. Oh, how I wish I’d known about your work when my PCs were still running LMoP and the Leilon trilogy! Nonetheless, the group is committed to defending the Phandalin region until they hit Level 20, so I’ll be incorporating more of your material into our games.
Fantastic work, Sir!
Absolutely superb, my players are just wrapping up DoISP and I’m going to use it all, especially the maps. A fantastic resource.
Beautiful work! My only regret is finding your page too late. Looking forward to your follow up work for the next 2 modules!
My group is really enjoying your art for storm lord’s wrath. its been a perfect supplement to our game. Eagerly awaiting Sleeping Dragon’s Wake material- I can’t wait to see your interpretations!
I can’t have found your site at a better time since I’m about to finish DOIP and start the Leilon trilogy. Your maps are awesome! I do have one question, what is the grid dimension of each map? For the Something Fishy it looks like it’s 10ft grid since the description says the PC start 500ft away from Nixoxious.But the Travel to the Thunder Cliffs boat maps look more like a 5 ft grid (unless the sleeping bags are for large creatures).
Again great work and love the maps
@Frank – The grids are all 5ft, and you read the adventure description correctly. I just decided that grid squares that small would basically just be me doing a map of all of Leilon and losing the detail. With my group, I did a little theater of the mind for the first few hundred feet as they entered Leilon and also decided the elevation change on the map causes them to take a less-than-linear path to Nixoxious.
If you play as-written, Merrygold Brightshine is actually (kind of) a male halfling, not female. I found that the DoIP-sequel trilogy adventures contained a number of mistakes, including referring to Merrygold as both male and female at different points. As the character page on the Faerun wiki site notes however, Merrygold is *always* male in the narrative text, and only ever female in the more or less copy/pasted text regarding services available at the shrine, which seems to indicate that Merrygold is intended to be male, with a simple oversight to the contrary that was allowed to propagate across all 3 adventures by sloppy editing on someone’s part.
Of course, Merrygold, and pretty much any other NPC out there, is whatever the DM wants them to be, if they even exist in the DM’s game at all, but I thought I’d point out the confusing error in the text. “Merrygold” strikes me as a rather feminine name anyways, so I’ve been considering running him as a her anyway or else going by “Merry” as one Meriadoc Brandybuck did. Maybe you’ll make a male Merrygold image someday for those who want them to be male in their game, or maybe not. Either way, you’ve already provided some terrific resources on this site. Thanks!
This is very useful stuff! Great quality and I appreciate your work. Thanks!
I love this resource. Very useful my players and I thank you for all your hard work. You did a wonderful job.
I can’t wait to see what you do for in Divine Contention, I’ve already looked through your Sleeping Dragon’s Wake material and it’s just as great, though at the time of writing there seems to be a problem with the link to that page as well as the link to contact you directly. Hoping these will be fixed soon as I’ll be moving into Sleeping Dragon’s Wake shortly and really wanted to use the resources I saw there.
Just wanted to say what a great Job you had done with these Resources. Saved me a bunch of time and frustration.
Just out of curiosity: For what Tool is the module.xml in the downloadble zip folder? I get that its to import the maps in some (Gamemaster-)Tool but in which one?
@Jonas Thanks! The tool is EncounterPlus for Mac and iOS