I’m pleased to present all of my resources for Sleeping Dragon’s Wake! Hopefully this should provide all of the auxiliary maps, tokens, and artwork you need to run the adventure. For those unfamiliar, D&D Beyond released a trilogy of adventures meant to be run Dragon of Icespire Peak, dubbed “Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak”. This is a resource pack for the second adventure in the trilogy: Sleeping Dragon’s Wake. As usual, this post is full of spoilers. Do not proceed if you are planning to be a player in this adventure!
Beyond Dragon of Icespire Peak Resource Packs
Maps with Grids (32 MB)
Maps without Grids (31 MB)
Shops and POI Cards (10.3 MB)
Monster/Creature Images and Tokens (22 MB)
NPC Images and Tokens (5.9 MB)
Other Artwork (16 MB)
A lot of the maps below cover a pretty sizable distance. You’ll see that a standard 5-foot grid pattern ends up with pretty small squares. I felt it was especially important to provide all of these maps at 8K (or higher) resolutions so that everyone could zoom way in for individual encounters.
Leilon Point

I felt Leilon Point was probably the map most-deserving of some attention in Sleeping Dragon’s Wake. Particularly because the map provided shows the Salt Cave entirely. Even the “Player Version” of the map has the Salt Cave revealed, and as such, makes it rather difficult to work with. So I’ve created a map with two versions: one with the Salt Cave and one without. I’ve, of course, added the obligatory eerie coastal fog to help set the scene.
Bronze Shrine

I wasn’t originally intending to create a new Bronze Shrine map, but as I looked closer at the official Player Map, I realized it had a few things that bothered me. One of the biggest issues was that the original player map shows the molten bronze trap in the entryway. I’ve gone ahead and created a new version of the map, with my normal level of increased detail.
Iniarv’s Tower

The Iniarv’s Tower map in Sleeping Dragon’s Wake is actually based off a map from Dungeon [Magazine] #73. I consulted the original map and its description when working on this part of the adventure and learned that the Sleeping Dragon’s Wake version had a few notable (but ultimately inconsequential) differences. For example, the cardinal directions on the original map were slightly askew, the staircases in the tower were in slightly different locations, and the original had a nice (albeit not perfectly accurate) illustration of the keep itself. I attempted to correct some of these features to the original map, along with adding an illustration similar to the original.
Claugiyliamatar’s Lair

The original map for Claugiyliamatar’s Lair was definitely created in the mindset of providing minimal detail so that Dungeon Master’s could describe most of the scene verbally. My version attempts to fill in a whole lot of those details. I’ve provided two versions of this map: one with Claugiyliamatar’s hoard concealed with by the Wall of Force / gas cloud as described in the adventure – and another with the hoard exposed.
Kyryptgarden Forest Encounters
One the journey to-and-from Claugiyliamatar’s Lair, there are a couple of encounters that occur in the Kryptgarden Forest. I’ve created maps that should be appropriate for the Myrkul Patrol and Viantha Cruelhex encounters.

Shops and Point of Intereset Cards

As Sleeping Dragon’s Wake matures Leilon, many new locations are provided and old locations are changed. I’ve added and updated the POI cards. If you’re just checking out my site for the first time, be aware, many of these cards are NOT suitable for Storm Lord’s Wrath! Make sure you see my prior post for Storm Lord’s Wrath if you need POI cards for that adventure.
Monster & Creature Artwork/Tokens
Once again, I am attempting to fill in key missing pieces of artwork for monsters or creatures that exist in the adventure.

And, of course, tokens to go with each of these!

NPC Artwork/Tokens
With this release, I’ve added new artwork and tokens for the newer NPCs, as well as included artwork and token for existing NPCs that are still relevant (i.e., most in the town of Leilon).

Other Artwork
I often feel inspired to create renderings or illustrations of certain scenes, and Sleeping Dragon’s Wake was no different. Here are a few select scenes that I created for this adventure. Some are used as backgrounds in POI cards, but some are just meant to show other players. Like last time, I’ve also included a “Cover” image for the adventure!

Thank You!
Have questions or requests? Please feel free to leave a comment below, contact me. Join me on my Discord Server to get an early peak at stuff I’m working on!
I’ve had a number of people reach out to me and ask how they can pay or donate money for my work. Simply knowing others are getting enjoyment out of these creations is absolutely reward enough for me. However, if you feel you absolutely must give me something – I have created a Ko-Fi link so that you may buy me a cup of coffee. Thank you so much!
Fan Content
The Sleeping Dragon’s Wake Resources are unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This made me do a happy dance! Thank you so much for all your hard work. This looks as brilliant as the rest of your stuff. Can’t wait to show this to my party. I have waited to start the campaign until this was released
coffee is on its way!
Awesome! Glad to see this taking shape. Very interested to see your take on an alkilith and the other art to come!
This is brilliant! My party is doing a homebrewed version of DoIP and now onto Beyond DoIP and Leilon. Your content is exactly what I’ve been looking for. Just wish I’d found your Neverwinter Guide earlier. It would have helped so much with my first ever D&D city prep (oof!). Thank you thank you thank you.
One small question – It mentions you’ve “completed” the Death-Knight Dreadnaught. Did you have additional artwork for that? The official artwork of the adventure is fine, but would love to see your reinterpretation.
@David BKK, For Death-Knight Dreadnaught, I did the monsters and the brazier artwork, but didn’t think the map needed to be redone. I’d consider doing a take on it if people wanted it – perhaps at the end.
Thank your for your amazing and very high quality artwork. I’m currently running the “Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak” campaign as the DM and your illustrations for basically every NPC in these adventures as well as the additional battle maps are a blessing and have improved our game for sure. I particularly like your idea of the Shop Cards. Having these beautifully designed cards with the prices of the goods for sale comes in quite handy as a DM.
@Jacob, Thanks for your reply! The artwork is a great addition and agreed the map is totally fine. Just wasn’t sure if I was missing something others were seeing. Hope everyone’s adventures are going well!
Awesome work!
Thank you very much for this.
Are you still doing things for D&D? These are amazing and I would love to know where to find more.
I am, but I’ve been busy with other projects recently (and my players have been busy recently too), but I have every intention of finishing this out along with Divine Contention!
Is anywhere we can follow for updates to this, or just keep checking this page? Love the work you’ve done, been using these with my group and the maps are so nice! Also, were you planning on redoing the map for Claugiyliamatar’s Lair in the future?
@Tom I generally post the maps on reddit, so you can usually get notification of new stuff by watching me there (username /u/ethangar). And I *am* planning on doing Claugiyliamatar’s lair. It, and the little outside encounter, are the last maps I need to do before moving onto Divine Contention. Maybe I’ll get a little time to work on stuff over this upcoming Thanksgiving week.
Very cool! Super kind of you to allow all this high quality content to be accessible for free. Really handy for me as I’m thinking of running my first ever campaign using these adventures.
A wealth of knowledge to be placed into the games. Itgis an nivauable resources along with the Nevwinter guide. I highly suggest to any new or old DM running these adventures. The discord server ins a wealth of knowledge as well.