Today I bring you some handy little Phandalin Shop Cards and NPC Artwork for the habitants of Phandalin. I’ve used these Shop Cards with great success in my campaigns, and I hope that you all may find them useful as well!
UPDATE: All of this content has been refreshed and made better. You can find all of the new stuff here. I’m leaving this post around in case anyone need access to these old versions, but do check out the newer versions if this is your first time getting these resources.
Shop Cards

The idea behind these shop cards is pretty simple. When players enter a town’s shop, they’re going to want to know what items are available and how much they cost. New players, in particular, don’t even know what sorts of items to ask about. These shop cards were created to give a nice, simple way for players to get acquainted with a shop items, prices, and even the NPCs that may be in the shop or point of interest. None of this, of course, means the player is precluded from haggling!
These shop cards are all designed in a 16×9 aspect ratio so that they are optimally rendered in Virtual Tabletop (VTT) systems (i.e., on televisions on monitors).
The cards were designed in Affinity Publisher (I recommend all the Affinity Products very highly). I’m providing download links to the source Affinity Designer Files in case you’d like to modify the cards to fit your particular campaign. The Solbera Fonts were used in the creation of these cards and you will need to download and install those on your system to modify the tables with the same styling.
Point-of-Interest Cards (3.5 MB)
Point-of-Interest Cards Affinity Publisher Files (437.9 MB)
Shop Cards – Old Version (5 MB)
Shop Card Affinity Publisher Source Files – Old Version (246 MB)
NPC Artwork & Tokens
To give the shop cards a bit more life, I’ve created NPC artwork for many of the main NPCs one will encounter in Phandalin. I’ve also created tokens for each of the NPCs with a neutral-colored token ring for each. I hope you will find these all useful for enhancing your campaign!
NPC/Monster Artwork and Tokens (13.5 MB)
NPC Artwork & Tokens – Old Version (31 MB)

Thank You!
Have questions or requests? Please feel free to leave a comment below, contact me. Join me on my Discord Server to get an early peak at stuff I’m working on!
I’ve had a number of people reach out to me and ask how they can pay or donate money for my work. Simply knowing others are getting enjoyment out of these creations is absolutely reward enough for me. However, if you feel you absolutely must give me something – I have created a Ko-Fi link so that you may buy me a cup of coffee. Thank you so much!
Fan Content
The Phandalin Resources are unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Very cool, love the work you’re doing. Will be interested how you think the module plays as I’m looking for neverwinter content for my group as well.
Nice! Thanks! We’re starting Storm Lord’s wrath in a couple of weeks, and while these are for Phandalin, I’ll repurpose some for Storm Lord’s Wrath.
Hey Joe, I have an *entire* Storm Lord’s Wrath map, shop card, and NPC set coming soon. I know I’m probably too late for your run, but if not, hit me up, and I can give you some early access stuff 😉
This is so amazing. I stumbled on this blog looking for artwork for LMoP, and this is incredibly useful and inspirational for a DM. Thank you so much!
Your work is just superb! Thank you so much for sharing these resources for our games!
These are brilliant. Great work.
please email me your patreon or whatever i legit feel bad using this for free
Just ran across this as I’m loading up LMoP for my family game. I love the shop chard idea! Brilliant!
This is fantastic work, You sir are an amazing human.
Thanks for these! I’m starting a Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure for my friends and they’re all new to D&D, so this will be a huge help.
Hey Great work, but the zip for artwork and tokens only has tokens. Anyone else exp this issue?
@Justin – My bad! That should be fixed up now.
YES! this is great! I am about to run session zero of this campaign as my first to run. These look great and I think they will be helpful to me and to the players.
Do you have art for other NPCs like the dwarfs?
I don’t – I haven’t yet done ALL of the NPCs for LMoP or DoIP, just the ones that reside in Phandalin. I’ll try to get to the rest some day!
It’s amaizing work!
The thing is,I’m trying DM this summer.These are very helpful for me.
I’m looking forward to your activity.
Thank you from Japan!
I love your resources. They were very helpful in running Storm Lord’s Wrath and I have now started Sleeping Dragon’s Wake with my group.
I do have one question. Do you have a reason for the price change to so many of the tools in Barthen’s Shop? As far as I can tell at a glance all the other prices for everything else at all four locations match the PHB prices. Just curious.
Thanks again for all the work you have put into these.
Great Job! Thank you
I love it when talented people like you share your gift for the benefit of others. These are incredibly helpful. Thank you so much.
How am I just finding these. Awesome resource Thanks.