I recently had the pleasure of getting to run Lost Mine of Phandelver with a new group of players. I used the opportunity to refresh a lot of my Phandalin shop cards and NPC tokens. These new versions feature some higher resolution artwork, fixes for various typos, and more! I also decided to create some additional maps, a new point-of-interest card, and new NPC artwork and tokens! If you’re interested in the original versions, that can still be found here.
Point-of-Interest Cards (3.5 MB)
Point-of-Interest Cards Affinity Publisher Files (437.9 MB)
NPC/Monster Artwork and Tokens (13.5 MB)
Maps with Grids (12 MB)
Maps without Grids (12 MB)
Point-of-Interest Cards
I’ve refreshed all of the shop cards with crisper artwork and a number of typo fixes. As with the previous Phandalin shop cards, I’ve provided a link to the Affinity Publisher files so that you can customize them for your adventure. I’ve also created a new POI card for the Shrine of Luck!

Point-of-Interest Cards (3.5 MB)
Point-of-Interest Cards Affinity Publisher Files (437.9 MB)
NPC & Creature Artwork
In my previous post, I kept the resources generic so that they would work for either Lost Mine of Phandelver or Dragon of Icespire Peak. Since then, I’ve received a number of requests specifically for additional NPC artwork specific to Lost Mine of Phandelver (e.g., Gundren Rockseeker, Reidoth, etc.). So, I’ve done that! Please let me know if I’ve missed anyone that you think is important!
Good Guys

Bad Guys

NPC/Monster Artwork and Tokens (13.5 MB)
I’ve created a few maps for the various wilderness encounters that a DM might choose to have their players experience when wandering around the Triboar Trail area. I’ve also created a map for Agatha’s Lair. You’ll find day and night versions of all below.
Agatha’s Lair
I wanted a spooky map for Agatha’s Lair to help illustrate the scene. Technically, this encounter isn’t supposed to result in combat, but I find having an encounter map presented to the players helps keep them feel the danger of the situation and keeps tensions higher.

Wilderness Maps
I created a handful of wilderness and road encounter maps for the random encounters that can happen during the course of traveling to the various quest locations in Lost Mine of Phandelver. These are also just generally handy to have available for other adventures too! Day and night, gridded and gridless versions available as usual!

Maps with Grids (12 MB)
Maps without Grids (12 MB)
Maps for Other Encounters
What about the remaining encounters? Well, I haven’t created maps for those because the talented Venatus Maps has already created maps for a ton of the LMoP encounters! I highly recommend you support Venatus Maps on Patreon to get access to all of their resources – including both premade maps and map-making assets (which I use frequently in my own maps). I’ve compiled links below to the relevant LMoP maps I use when running my groups through the adventure (alongside Mike Schley’s absolutely wonderful original maps).
- Goblin Ambush
- Old Owl Well
- Redbrand Confrontation
- Tresandar Manor
- Venomfang’s Tower
- Wyvern Tor
- Wave Echo Cave
Thank You!
Have questions or requests? Please feel free to leave a comment below, contact me. Join me on my Discord Server to get an early peak at stuff I’m working on!
I’ve had a number of people reach out to me and ask how they can pay or donate money for my work. Simply knowing others are getting enjoyment out of these creations is absolutely reward enough for me. However, if you feel you absolutely must give me something – I have created a Ko-Fi link so that you may buy me a cup of coffee. Thank you so much!
Fan Content
The Lost Mine of Phandelver Resources are unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
More amazing work, I’m looking forward to using these the next time I run LMoP! Thank you so much.
Nice work. You may have done it intentionally but in case it was an accident, some of the prices for tools in Barthen’s Provisions are waaaaay out. e.g. Mason’s Tools you have for 5cp, whereas they should be 10gp per the Player’s Handbook.
This is amazing, thank you for your time and efforts to put this together.
I’ve been playing for about 15 years now but recently just started being a DM and decided to run The Lost Mines as my first campaign, although slightly homebrewed.
This is a massive help, I LOVE the POI cards.
Thank you very much. As a teacher with limited time to think about how to run the next session never mind how to resource it this is greatly appreciated.
Sister Garaele cannot cast spells, she is a Commoner
Very nice. For Agatha’s Lair, you don’t happen to have the art for the top of the tree as a separate asset do you? I was going to use it on Foundry and place it over the open map as a roof so the players can walk under it.